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Join us for the Food & State Pecan Shows during the Annual Convention & Trade Show.



Bakers and cooks from across the state, and surrounding areas, enter the Food Show each year. Established almost 70 years ago, E.E. Mount wanted a larger emphasis on the use of pecans. He asked for a food division to be added alongside the State Pecan Show.


We look forward to seeing each of your entries. Remember, we'd love to grow our junior division. If you have a child, grandchild, niece, nephew, or family friend, encourage them to submit an entry.


2024 Food Show Categories and Classes:


Class A: Standard (9-inch pie)

Class B: Other- Chocolate, etc. (9-inch pie)


Bread & Rolls

Class A: Quick- Loaf & Rolls (Standard Loaf/ 6 Rolls)

Class B: Yeast- Loaf & Rolls (Standard Loaf/ 6 Rolls)



Class A: Fudge (12 Pieces)

Class B: Brittle, Pralines, & Divinity (12 Pieces)

Class C: Other Pecan Candy (12 Pieces)



Class A: Without Frosting

Class B: Frosted (with pecans in cake)


Class A: Drop

Class B: Bar



Class A: Spiced or Salted (1 cup)

Class B: Candied (1 cup)



Class A: Appetizers & Side Dishes

Class B: Snacks

Class C: Dessert



Pecan growers from across Oklahoma, and surrounding areas, entered samples from their 2024 crop earlier this year. These samples are frozen until processed for judging purposes. The samples and awards will be displayed during the 2025 Annual Convention & Trade Show.


Awards will be presented during the Banquet on Thursday afternoon for the top 4 pecan samples.

  • Best of Show

  • Champion Native

  • Highest Kernel Percentage

  • Largest Pecan

Pecan show award.JPG
historical pecan show award.JPG

The show originated in 1933 to identify potential seedlings or natives to study and promote to the industry. Historical samples are displayed at the Cimmarron Valley Research Station along with an antique plaque with an inscription of the winners, donated by Oklahoma baseball player Carl Hubbell.


Thank you to the growers who entered the 2024 State Pecan Show. 

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