Submit your sample today to compete for the best pecans across the state!
Remember to save back a couple of pounds of your best pecans to enter in this year's State Pecan Show!
The Oklahoma State Pecan Show started in the 1930s to locate the best native pecans to propagate and grow across the state. Not much has changed except now we're looking for the best pecans Oklahoma growers are showing! Submit your sample to show you're the best and inspire other growers.
Sample Submission Deadline January 24, 2025
We have 26 classes, including an "other" category, to ensure no pecan gets left out.
Entries are judged on nuts per pound, size of pecan, kernel percent, appearance both in-shell and kernels, defects in kernels and all pecans are judged against the standards for that category. Presentation matters! Send us clean (not polished) pecans and ensure they are all uncracked!
Entries must be submitted in a sealed plastic bag or paper bag and labeled with the exhibitor's name, address and cultivar of nuts.
Want more insider tips on what the judges are looking for? Listen to what Becky Carroll said about it starting at 1:08:00.
The following awards are given each year.
Best of Show, Champion Native, Largest Pecan, Highest % Kernel, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for all classes
Contact the Oklahoma Pecan Growers Association office for more information or to be connected with the OSU Extension representatives.